Tuesday, September 05, 2006


The Global War on the Continuing Dark Ages

I have deleted my GWOTCDA blog, which was established as a reference for selected quotations from the Koran. I eventually came to the conclusion that my time was better spent on other pursuits, as there is truly an amazing amount of writing about Islam available by a simple Google search.

Suffice it to say that Islam is a medieval religion that has difficulty accomodating many basic human rights, even in its most enlightened manifestations. The Qur’an is the primary holy book of Islam, allegedly dictated by the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Mohammed. There is also the Hadith, which is more of an interpretive text of the life of Mohammed, describing what he said and did in response to various situations, and forming most of the basis for the Islamist rationalizations for suicidal, murderous violence.

There is no doubt that Muslims expect Islam to spread throughout the world and for all people to either be converted or conquered, and that this expectation is firmly rooted in the most basic tenets of the religion, which demonizes non-muslims and is simply a manifesto of religious hatred. A complete and fundamental reinvention of Islam would be necessary if it were to become compatible with global civil society. Fat chance.

Once weapons of mass destruction become available to anyone who wants them, our current notions of security and resistance to “profiling” will seem impossibly quaint.

Following is the text I had originally begun the blog with:

On Jihad

Does the Koran command its believers to make war on unbelievers (“infidels”)?

Investigating in order to eliminate the counter argument that Islam is demonized by Christian and Jewish propaganda, you can read for yourself the following verses:

57. So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them, so that they may learn a lesson.

58. If you (O Muhammad ) fear treachery from any people throw back (their covenant) to them (so as to be) on equal terms (that there will be no more covenant between you and them). Certainly Allâh likes not the treacherous.

59. And let not those who disbelieve think that they can outstrip (escape from the punishment). Verily, they will never be able to save themselves (from Allâh's Punishment).

60. And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery, etc.) to threaten the enemy of Allâh and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allâh does know.

65. O Prophet (Muhammad )! Urge the believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast persons amongst you, they will overcome two hundred, and if there be a hundred steadfast persons they will overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they (the disbelievers) are people who do not understand.

67. It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.

Should the next verse be constued as an olive branch, a sign of mercy?

61. But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and (put your) trust in Allâh. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

No. Within the context of having defeated an enemy, the peace has many stipulations, including a choice of conversion to Islam or death; or for Christians and Jews, a heavy tax and dramatically reduced rights.

Also note a couple of typical gems from the Hadith:

Hadith 9:50 No one can be slayed for slaying an infidel.

Hadith 9:57 If a man changes his Islamic religion, kill him.

English translation of the Qur’an
Jihad Watch

This text is an electronically scanned version of M. H. Shakir's translation of the Holy Qur'an, as published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., P.O. Box 1115, Elmhurst, New York 11373.

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